I've had my Fusion for a year now, but due to a combination of lockdown and university, I've not had a chance to surf it as much as I would have liked. I've now had the chance to put the boat through its paces in a range of condition and wanted to out together some thoughts on the boat.
Like most long boats, it's pretty quick to paddle on flat water and easily skips over whitewater on the paddle out. Once the boat is on the wave it flies, quickly picking up speed and accelerating out of bottom turns into the next manoeuvre, making the boat really fun to surf. The boat is great at inspiring confidence on bigger waves too, and does a fantastic job at holding the rail even when the surf is big. The fusion performs fantastically at the the top of the wave, the rails are easy to release when you want to, but with plenty of grip when you want to hold your rail and wrap a big carve up onto the whitewater for a roundhouse. One of my favourite parts about the boat is how well it manages to boost off the whitewater and this translates very well to the Fusions performance on the lip.
I've found that even on smaller waves I've been able to project the boat off the lip and get the boat vertical.
The Fusion is a fantastic boat and Chris and Jem have done an amazing job.